Tuulen mittaus FMI:n avointa dataa käyttäen toistaiseksi

Aloittaja ARosti, tiistai, 31.12.2019, 16:38

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Tässä Sääaseama Nauvon Facebook-sivulle  kirjoittamani tiedote:

The electronics attached to Davis anemometer is broken beyond repair. Because a new WeatherFlow hardware will arrive (hopefully) in March, Station Master decided not to invest in new intermediate solution, but to show wind measurements from Finnish Meteorological Institutes (FMI) Fagerholm station, which is closest FMI station. FMI's open data (https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/open-data) makes this possible--thank you for that!

Of course, this is not the same as showing the true local wind data, but is better than showing nothing. Local wind will be shown as soon as new hardware makes it possible!